The wildest flavors of Brazil, here!

Our purpose

Providing authentic and nutritious experiences with high quality products that capture our essence and share a piece of Brazil with the world.

Açaí is a Brazilian fruit with a dark color, ranging from purple to black. Recognized as a 'superfruit' for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well for its high nutritional value.


As a pre-workout, it's a great source of energy to improve training performance, as well post-workout, to assist in the recovery and replacement of muscle glycogen.


This dish is inherently vegan, made from salted and steamed corn flakes, offering a flavorful and nutritious option for those following a plant-based diet.


Pão de queijo

"Pão de queijo" is a popular Brazilian snack and breakfast delicacy, consisting of small baked cheese rolls or buns.

Team WildLife

The Wildlife team is a family-owned business who worked together to make this dream come true. With experience in typical Brazilian dishes, we are committed to providing a unique gastronomic experience that celebrates Brazil's rich culinary culture. Our commitment is to offer high-quality ingredients, authentic flavors and sharing the cultural richness and delicious diversity of Brazil's cuisine.


6125 park Blvd, Pinellas Park

Hours of Operation:

Tuesday - Friday 8am a 8pm

Saturday - Sunday 8am as 9pm